
About us


That’s our mission.

Every sip, every bite, every interaction; an experience. Whether its our customers, our employees, or our community, we’ve always tried (and succeeded) to be a place that can be a positive influence on the people around us. If you’re our customer, know we will always try to guide you in a direction that puts your experience above our profit margin. We’ll suggest items we think you’ll enjoy best, even if they’re cheaper. If you’re our employee, know that we will always (and always have) put your job security above our own paycheck. You’ll always have a safe space to grow and learn and hopefully find a place where you feel like you belong.


Sawdust Road is owned and operated by the Compo Family, Kristine and Eddie (me). We’ve been married for 7 years but together for 17. We gave birth to our first child, Almeta (Al-me-ta) just a few months before opening and have nurtured both ever since. Sonny came along one year ago. Kristine is glue of the family, raising two kids and keeping me grounded, all while guiding the aesthetic direction of the shop. I’m the day to day guy and hold a lot of romanticism toward food and coffee and the experiences we can create for you through them. We both have a heart for hospitality and In the end, we just want to give you good feelings!


If you come around enough then your bound to run into Mr Joe. He was born and raised in the building that is now our cafe( he was literally born upstairs). He knows everything about Pungo and if you give him a few minutes, he’ll teach you a ton about our area. During our buildout, Mr Joe was telling us a story about how Indian River road used to go by a different name. He told us “ A man named Owens built a sawmill nearby and in the early part of the century he would haul sawdust through the swamp to the site of the old store. In time, the sawdust formed a solid road through the swamp and the public began to use it. It now forms a part of Indian River road.” We instantly knew we found our name. It’s an ode to our past and to Mr Joe.


daily : 8am-2pm.


1791 Princess Anne Road. Pungo, VA 23456